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im电竞官方网站_ 【双语】2019年最潮取快递方式 仅需2步即可刷脸取件!
本文摘要:What is “China Facial Recognition Unlocking”? 在中国,什么是“刷脸取件”?

What is “China Facial Recognition Unlocking”? 在中国,什么是“刷脸取件”?Since March 13, 2019, it is announced by Alibaba-backed Cainiao Network that All Cainiao’s smart parcel delivery lockers with camera now support using facial recognition function to collect parcels from the locker. Chinese people can self-choose whether allow delivery man to put parcel into smart locker, authorize the locker to activate and then use facial recognition to unlock parcels. 自2019年3月13日起,阿里巴巴旗下菜鸟网络宣布,海内所有带摄像头的菜鸟驿站智能柜均已经开通刷脸取件功效。消费者可以在柜子上自主选择、以及授权和使用刷脸取件功效。Meantime, Another competitor SF Express-backed (SF Express, China’s largest private courier) Fengchao express carbinet have opened facial recognition express delivery service and now try facial recognition unlocking under test as well. It means that China’s courier business now is entering the era of “Facial Recognition Unlocking”. 同时顺丰旗下丰巢智能快递柜也引入“刷脸寄件”并开始试点应用刷脸取件。

中国快递业务正在进入“刷脸取件”的时代。How to use Facial Recognition to Pick-up Parcels? 在中国怎样刷脸取快递?Step 1. Go to a smart parcel locker which has camera installed, select the option “刷脸取件 (Shuā Liǎn Qǚ Jiàn)” on the screen, then face-scanning is about to start. 第一步, 收到取件通知后,在智能快递柜的屏幕上选择“刷脸取件”,系统进入人脸识别状态;Step 2. After scanning success, the locker should open automatically. Then user can take away the package freely.第二步, 识别乐成后,箱门自动打开,就能取走自己的快递了。

Please note, for the first time you have to login Cainiao Guoguo app on mobile and completed real-person verification (supported by Alibaba) to activate face recognition feature.注意:如果是首次使用,用户需要先在菜鸟裹裹App上举行阿里实人认证来开通此功效。Its Advantages in China 在中国,刷脸取快递的优点?Use facial recognition unlocking feature which doesn’t require providing your name or personal ID as well as mobile phone carried with you. 无需姓名或出示小我私家身份证;You don’t have to force to remember any parcel delivery tracking number or verification code for parcel collection. 无需携带手机、无需强迫自己影象任何的快递单号或取件码。Just go there, find a smart locker, let scanning your face and everything is done in two seconds. 仅需2秒扫脸即可开柜取件。

For Safty 宁静性方面Cainiao network’s smart parcel locker is using original real-time 3D Live Face Detection Algorithm to detect if it is the real and right person.菜鸟驿站智能柜是接纳的是独创的活体检测算法来判断收罗到的人脸信息是真正本人。Any spoofing faces using photos or videos instead of a real person’s face will cause the failure of recognition, which ensures that only the owner of the parcel to collect it.使用本人的照片、视频冒充本人,都无法通过核验检测乐成,确保取件人身份准确。If users’ appearance got any big changes, for example if they have plastic surgeries, they can update their account information via the smart locker and then go facial recognition to unlock the parcel with success.如果消费者因为整容等原因导致容貌发生较大变化,也可以便捷的通过智能柜更新照片(真人身份信息),使用刷脸取件。Cainiao smart locker have been tested in some areas of China for facial recognition experiments in last almost two years. From the records of million-times facial recognition unlocking, there hasn’t yet any facial recognition mistake found until now which might cause parcel’s pick-up scam issue.菜鸟驿站智能柜此前已在部门区域开通刷脸取件功效,已有超百万次刷脸取件记载,尚未发现误识导致包裹被误取的事件。

As well according to the experiment results, no matter it is at the day time or at night, the user wearing a hat or not, or even the user standing with others together but all facing the screen of smart locker, it won’t interfere the facial recognition on the right user’s real face under all these environments. 另据测试,取件时间为白昼或者黑夜,是否戴帽子,以及多人同时入境等场景均不会影响最终的人脸识别检测效果。Just have a try! 马上去体验一下吧!。

